If you are concerned about being able to keep up with your banking and your bill paying, using a durable power of attorney is an excellent way to appoint another person to make these decisions and take these actions on your behalf. In the process of setting up your planning, you might run across the term convenience account.
If you are older and concerned about keeping up with your financial affairs, it is natural to think about whether or not there is a family member or other person who could help you manage deposits, writing checks or getting cash out of the bank for you. This can backfire very badly if you do not accomplish the process of setting up a power of attorney in the right way.
Adding someone as a co-owner of your bank account, for example, empowers them to make all decisions as if it was their own bank account. This is different than setting up a power of attorney and can lead to problems like sibling conflict, creditor access, and misuse. The best way to give another person authority over your financial matters is to sign a document known as a durable power of attorney for finances.
Your attorney in fact would still be eligible to spend your money with regard to your bank account but there are two primary restrictions that add a layer of support for you. These are that the funds must be used only for your benefit and at the time that you pass away the money becomes part of your estate, meaning that it does not go to the person that you named as the attorney in fact.
Schedule a consultation with a trusted estate planning lawyer to discuss how a power of attorney document can be used for your best interests. Our New Hampshire law office is here to support you with the creation of your power of attorney document so that you feel confident about your decisions.
Tom Torr
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